October 2020 Net Worth Update

Net Worth

Starting the month of October with a Net Worth of negative $33,796. That is slightly lower than last month and is mostly the result of a decline in investment value.


Net Worth = Assets minus Liabilities



Change from Last Month




Retirement Accounts



Taxable Investments



Misc. (Gold/Silver/Cash/Collectibles)



Total Assets






Change from Last Month

Credit Cards



Student Loans



Total Liabilities




Net Worth = -$33,769

Change in Net Worth from last month: -$575

Total Change in Net Worth Since July 2020: +$14,459


The month of September saw some steep declines in the price of gold and silver, two significant holdings in my investment accounts that led to the decline in value. The decline of about $2,000 in the retirement accounts also includes the $3,500 my employer and I contributed during the month so it was more like a $5,500 drop in value. When precious metals prices fell, I decided to dig out my coins and re-value them and update that asset category. The increase in the Misc. category includes the updated gold and silver price, which was actually much higher than when I last valued them, and the value of numerous gift cards I purchased to take advantage of some online savings arbitrage with my Discover Card in September that I will write about in my September Budget Review.