A common mantra among the big name personal finance advice gurus is to only use debit cards for purchases and avoid credit card use. However, this is one piece of advice I simply will not follow. Using debit cards is ...

Entertainment expenses can be a major source of budgetary stress as the costs of these activities continue to climb. With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic I’ve seen my at-home entertainment spending increase considerably while pulling back on more public activities like ...

As a Michigander by birth, I grew up with the annual Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan. At one time, it was named the best small town festival in the United States. Over time it’s popularity has waned and due ...

This is a month I’ve been looking forward to since starting to document my financial progress on The Money Sloth. I finally have a positive net worth! It’s almost surreal to suddenly go from over a decade of having a ...

If you pay attention to financial news, you may have noticed the stock market took a quick turn lower on Thursday as news leaked that the Biden administration is considering a proposal to increase the capital gains tax rate on ...

I can’t say I’m surprised to read a new survey that says 26% of workers are considering quitting their jobs after the pandemic. The most relatable data point from the survey is this: “According to the survey, 42% of current ...

A recent article about Google search trends relating to the current housing market caught my attention. The search frequency for “When is the housing market going to crash” has increased almost 25x in the past month. Anyone who peruses Zillow, ...

It’s been a little while since I have written a net worth update post, although I continue to keep the Money Sloth Net Worth Tracker on the right side of the homepage up-to-date. The April 2021 Net Worth Update is ...

It’s hard to believe it has already been a year since the Covid-19 pandemic began sweeping through the United States and changed our way of life (possibly forever). I took the picture above and find it to be a great ...

I recently took advantage of an offer from Swagbucks to get $250 for refinancing my private student loans at a lower rate through Credible. It turns out I was able to lower my rate to 3.76% for a 10-year repayment ...