About The Money Sloth
Welcome to TheMoneySloth.com! The Money Sloth is here to provide information and discussion about a wide array of personal finance and money issues that affect all of us. This blog also serves as a place for me to hold myself accountable and track my progress toward Financial Independence.
Behind The Money Sloth is a 30-something Economist with a passion for digging into data and understanding what drives people to make certain economic decisions over others. In my career I have worked to produce, analyze, and publish labor market statistics and measures of Gross Domestic Product. My work has been published in multiple industry journals and I have advised staff in Congressional offices, The White House, and major media outlets in the US and abroad.
Outside of my professional career as an Economist, I have a passion for personal finance, budgets, investing, taxes, and helping others achieve their financial goals. I’ve been fascinated with the progression of the personal finance genre from my early years reading David Bach and his Automatic Millionaire and The Latte Factor series to listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio preach about “The Debt Snowball” to watching Suze Orman grill callers on her television program during her “Can I Afford It?” segment, and finally, to the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement that is sweeping the nation by storm.
What’s up with the sloth!? Sloths are very intelligent creatures that make calculated and deliberate moves as they navigate treacherous surroundings – a perfect example of how you should also handle your personal finances. We advocate for a smart and steady approach to handling your money and will help you navigate the treacherous financial jungle of life.
I’ll be posting regular reports of my income, expenses, and net worth. These posts will provide the opportunity to reflect on my spending and earnings. The goal of these posts will be to reinforce smart money decisions and hopefully help others see that being in debt isn’t hopeless and there is a path to the FIRE finish line. Smart and steady wins this race!
The Money Sloth will dive into all aspects of your finances and help you navigate the path to financial independence!
Awards and Accolades for The Money Sloth
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